The Need

Currently, there is a chasm. On one side is the overlooked University Leaders and Staff and on the other side is the Christian body. This leaves many of these leaders and staff members under-served, under-resourced, and without a shepherding presence.

Collegiate Abbey develops bridges of trust and relationship with University Leadership.  We seek to create environments of grace and peace that help to care for leaders and serve them through the gospel of Christ.


Our Mission & Principles

Collegiate Abbey has been serving University Leadership since 2017. During that time we have been honored to see God open doors and create many opportunities to help serve and meet the needs of the campus. Our vision is to see the University in Shalom. Where the peace of God rest on it's people and in our community, and everything is as it should be.



-Listening to God in prayer to learn how He desires to cultivate shalom

-Listening to people to understand who they are and where they are, to discover their needs and gifts, to show them that they are loved, valued, and cared for



-Partnering with individuals, organizations and departments in order to help them connect with God and each other

-Partnering to help bring peace to our university, our city, and our communitites.



-Caring for faculty and staff by guiding them step by step towards shalom

-Providing relevant and relatable resources to help cultivate lasting peace

-Being with people in both the high's and the low's