Welcome To Advent + Christmas At the Abbey
A six-week study on light and life through the seasons of Advent + Christmas
A study on Light and Life
Dark and heavy. If I had to pick two words that described much of what life has been like during the pandemic it would be these two. As we have ministered to our community, we have found that so many are worn out and struggling with burnout. Things feel so weighty, and anxiety seems to have its claws in many of our thoughts. Perhaps this year, more than any other, the words of “O Holy Night” have resonance for the weary world that is longing to rejoice once again.
It is here that we are starting: in the heaviness, in the darkness, in the anxiety. And it is here that the light of the world has come. It is here that life has been given.
Our prayer for you as you enter this six-week study is that God would meet you exactly where you are, with no pretense. That the light of Christ would shine in your heart and that his touch would bring life once again.
Merry Christmas, dear brothers and sisters. May we rejoice and celebrate as those who have hope.
In Christ Alone,
Britton + Steve