Shepherd's Abbey

Shepherd’s Abbey is a training course developed to help leaders walk with God through the challenges of leading in today’s society. From the current mental health crisis to shifting cultural norms, leaders face unique challenges that shape and influence those in their care.

The Shepherd’s Abbey training consists of six training modules and pulls from the rich imagery of Psalm 23. These modules explore the topics of Christ our Good Shepherd, ...I shall not want, finding green pastures, digging channels, shepherding through valleys, and self-shepherding and Sabbath.

Our prayer is that through Shepherd's Abbey, God would equip and raise up shepherds who help bring about the flourishing of those in their care. You can see a brief description of each section by scrolling below.

Training Opportunities

This Fall we will be teaching Shepherd's Abbey during our Third Thursday times on campus. You can find our more information by clicking the button below. We will also be teaching in several church locations and will post those here as these partnerships develop. If you are interested in possibly partnering to host a training you can click on the corresponding button below.

The Good Shepherd

From the 1st through the 4th century AD the three most predominant images found in Christian art are The Good Shepherd, The Fish and the Vine.  These symbols disappeared after the fourth century and were replaced by the imagery of the cross. 

In the Old Testament and the ancient near east the analogy of the shepherd was used to describe the roles of kings and leaders. The image of the shepherd symbolically characterized the recovery of lost sheep, tender care and protection, green pastures and fresh water, the sacrifice of life therefore being a picture of a Saviour.

...I shall not want

Many times our trials reveal our deepest hunger and desires. Just like when you are in a desert you long for water, in the trials of our life, our deep hunger, need, longing, and wants become visible.

Finding Green Pasture

As shepherds we guide others to shalom, the peace of God, our destination never changes however the terrain that we guide through will shift and God’s provision will adjust to the needs specific to the time. 

Digging Channels

Sheep, although thirsty, will not drink from fast-moving water. One of the jobs of a shepherd is to dig channels to create still water so sheep can have access to what they thirst for. In this section, we will look at four tools that God gives us to help shepherd people toward shalom, the gifts of identity, maturity, emotion, and prayer.

Shepherding through Valleys

Valleys are unavoidable in our lives and in the lives of those we lead.

Our role as shepherds is to help lead them to address it at the spiritual level - changing the root, will lead to changed fruit.


And because the entrance into the well of our hearts, our deepest longing, is often revealed through crisis, we will offer practical roadmaps for shepherding through four commonly experienced crises.

Self-shepherding and Sabbath

You can’t give what you don’t have.

“Please put your mask on first before assisting others.”

As we shepherd others, we must remember that we need to be shepherded too - and part of that is the practice of self-shepherding.


How can we apply what we’ve been learning and exploring to ourselves?

Healthy habits and practices and the gift/command of Sabbath rest.