The Next Steps Weekly Planner

Taking intentional steps in uncertain times

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Why create a planner?

We know that this year has been pretty challenging and so much is still unknown. In hard times we often have the desire to serve/walk with God, but we aren’t sure of what to do next. This is why we have developed the “Next Steps” weekly planner. Our hope is that this planner may help you to live intentionally during the coming year. Take some time to work through the initial set up, and then revisit it each day. Every day has a different focus and our prayer is that God may use this process to shine a light on your next step to draw towards Him and love your neighbor during this time.

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Planner Sections and Descriptions:

Rule of Life

A rule of life is a commitment to live your life in a particular way. It has been used in monastic communities throughout the centuries. It helps individuals and communities translate their faith into the habits and rhythms of everyday life. 

In developing your rule of life, think about what are the values and truths that God has placed consistently upon your heart. Now, look at the eight Areas of Focus. How might these be manifested in those areas? Keep them simple, around one sentence or so. You will revisit these each week, they will continue to develop over time. 

Areas of Focus

Life can often be overwhelming. In developing the eight areas of focus our intention is to help prevent distraction from what we are encouraged to focus on in Scripture. These areas encompass both personal and communal aspects. 

Next Steps

The Next Steps portion helps us to live intentionally and proactively cultivate environments of growth both for ourselves and others. In having daily themes we can simplify our lives while still investing wisely in our spiritual and personal lives as well as our communities. 

Weekly Examen

Each week we will stop and check in on how we are doing in each of the main areas. What has God revealed this week? How have we done? What steps do we need to take in the coming week? 

Daily Entry

Each day is structured so that we can live intentionally. Write down the truth that you need to meditate on that day. What area do you need to focus on this day? (Just keep it to one area) What are your top three priorities today (giving out) and then how will you also balance those things with renewal (pouring in)?  Our hope is that a sacred rhythm will develop as we go about our days. At the bottom of each daily page, you will have some prompts for the theme of that day.